ID #52 28 BANNER$($) --------------------------------------------- BANNER$("A") returns a 48-byte string that is an exact replica of the HP-71's LCD display version of the letter "A". The string is eight groups of 6 bytes, each of which cor- responds to one dot row in the display, with the top dot row first. Dots that are "on" (black) correspond to A's in the BANNER$, and dots that are "off" (clear) get spaces in BANNER$. So, if printed on paper in eight groups of six bytes, BANNER$("A") looks like: AAA A A A A AAAAA A A A A A A If you wish to specify some specific charac- ter to use instead of the letter itself, you may do so by appending it: BANNER$("B*") is **** * * * * **** * * * * **** Appending another character changes the back- ground from the default (space). For example BANNER$("D0-") looks like 000--- 0--0-- 0---0- 0---0- 0---0- 0--0-- 000---